St. Thomas' Episcopal Church
Hacienda Heights

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Updated News 
United in our diversity, we follow Jesus.
Gathered in communion, we worship together.
Led by the Holy Spirit, we share the Gospel
and reach out to others in love.

多元合一於主基督 同心聚集來敬拜主
聖靈引領分享福音 主愛交流向外拓展
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Latino Episcopalians express hope for church’s future at Nuevo Amanecer

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‘A Case for Love’ to be screened during General Convention, available for rental in October

by DAVID PAULSEN Posted June 11, 2024

Cathedral service celebrates ministry of retired Bishop Suffragan Chet Talton: ‘Today, I feel loved by The Episcopal Church’

by Pat McCaughan Post on May 22, 2024

St. Thomas’ In-Person Sunday 10AM Service has resumed since August 1st, 2021. All are welcome! (Everyone is still encouraged to wear a mask indoors; if you’re not fully vaccinated, please stay home to watch our livestreaming service. Thanks for your cooperation!

聖多馬堂的主日上午十點實體崇拜自 2021 八月一日已恢復舉行。歡迎參加!


Meanwhile, our 10AM Sunday service is livestreamed on Facebook as well.


If you have a Facebook account, please join the group "St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Hacienda Heights, CA." To view the livestreaming service, just go to the group page on Sundays, 10AM.


In addition, we continue to have the 6:30 Evening Prayer service every other Wednesday online through Facebook.


To join the livestreaming Evening Prayer service, just go to St. Thomas' group page on Facebook at the scheduled time, and you’ll be able to join us online.


Copyright © 2017 Church

by SHIREEN KORKZAN Post on June 07, 2024

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New leader takes the rainbow baton at GLEAM’s annual garden party

by Janet Kawamoto  Post on June 5, 2024